Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday 8:30 pm

I am beat. School this past week has just killed. I worked everyday this week and last. I have reports due, accounts to reconcile, and a big commercial kitchen to clean. I feel like I am working 12 hour days. Oh, I did work 12 hours today. I went to the school at 7 am to get the teachers some breakfast made. Adam and Jason were good sports and went with me too. I just finished working at about 7:30 and came home. I only stopped today for 30 minutes to take the kids home from school. Lucky for me this is the last week of school. I am tired, my feet hurt and I am hungry. (I know I talk about being ready for school to get out but anyone that knows me knows that I like to work and do not take a lot of time off. I just need a few days of not getting up before 7 am to make me feel better. And a few afternoons at the pool! I do have a book to read.)


I am not too tired and hungry to go to the movies with my sister-in-law tonight to see the Vegas movie. I figure if I could not go to Vegas for my 30Th birthday then I will go and watch what Hollywood thinks people might laugh about happening there. It will be fun. I will post about it when I get home. Well, maybe if it is not too late!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Girl, you need a serious vacation! 12 hour days?! Um, yeah. Get the heck out of Dodge!