Monday, April 7, 2008


Here are the answers to the titles, artist, and times from the previous post.

I associate most of the memories in my life with music. I have a very good memory. I remember days in kindergarten and first grade because of songs we sang. I remember what I was doing when I first heard certain songs. I attach memories with music. When I die my life will be able to be played back like a soundtrack. Wouldn't that be so interesting? Image being able to listen to your dad, mom, aunt, best friend or grandmother's life with song. You would know what they were interested in when they were little, and as they grew. It is also interesting how certain songs can reappear in your life. I think that music explains so much more then just words. Image what your own soundtrack might sound like....

Enjoy the sneak peak of my soundtrack!

Artist: Meredith Brooks
Song: "Bitch"
Time: Spring/Summer 1997

Artist: Secondhand Serenade
Song: "Fall For You"
Time: Present. I am totally obsessed with this song.

Artist: James
Song: "How was it for You"
Time: 1990's (1994-95 in particular) (Adam's middle name is James)

Artist: The Smiths
Song: "Girlfriend in a Coma"
Time: 1992-93 High School in Belgium

Artist: Tracy Chapman
Song: "The Promise"
Time: 2 times, but the latest time I was obsessed with it was 1997-98 when I was pregnant with Adam

Artist: Johnny Cash
Song: Ring of Fire
Time: Again, 2 times in my life. First was when I was little. This is the kind of music that my mom loved. We would listen to the album in the family room and dance, dance, dance. (Plus now my chilkdren love it.)


Mama Cher, Ok, fine, it's Sharon said...

That was fun!

Miss Kendra said...

Were all of your answers right? You win the prize!