Sunday, December 7, 2008

Adam Basketball: Game #1

Adam had his first basketball game on Saturday. He is playing on the Junior Jazz league. He says that he had a good time but that it was hard and tired. They did not win, but this is the first time that they have played together. Plus the other team's shortest player was the same size as our tallest player. They play again next Saturday, and I will get some action shots.
I also get to bring the treat. I love doing treats. When he was in baseball, 2 years ago, I was the second mom to bring treats. I got quart zip top bags with designs on them and put in each one a Capri Sun, a chocolate drizzled rice crispy treat, and a Gogurt, and a napkin. HA!! I was good. Each mom after me tried to reproduce the wonder and effect my treat had on the team, and everyone of them failed! I will have to see what I can come up with for Saturday.

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