Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holy Cow!

So I guess it has been a while since I have done a proper post. Let me catch you up:

  • School FINALLY ended. It feels like the year whizzed by and it was Christmas just yesterday. I am very happy to have summer break.

  • I finished my reports and "work" in record time this year. I was finished with everything on the last day of school so that we could head out for vacation. (More on vacation later.)

  • All of the kids got good grades and finished school without problem.

  • Lewis made his numbers for the fiscal 2010-2011 year at work. Thank goodness, mama needs money to shop!

So there is the last month is a nut shell. I will post more about everything with pictures later this week (they are already done and set to go out, yes sometimes I cheat :) It is easier then sitting down each day for a post).

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. I know that we are!

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