Monday, June 28, 2010

Who Likes The Beach?

Day 3: We left Vegas after breakfast and swimming at about 11:30 or so. We drove the 5 hours to this wonderful place:

The best part? The look on Abigail's face when she touched sand. She was in awe. I had forgotten that the last time we took her to the beach she was not even one yet. Oh, she was in heaven. She was just spinning and smiling and loving every single minute of it! She kept touching it and then running to me and kissing my check or my arm or my hand and saying thank-you. It was the sweetest thing ever.
How can I have a 5 year old and she doesn't remember going to the beach. I have seriously been slacking in this area! I need to be a better parent and take my children to see the world.
The had a great time wading in the water and splashing each other while I stood back and tried not to touch anything. I love the beach, but can I get it without the sand?

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