Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring "Break": Part 7

Friday night while Adam was gone camping with scouts I helped the girls dye Easter Eggs. Even though they know we are going to be making them into Deviled Eggs for Easter Sunday Lunch, they wanted to dye them. So we went to the store and bought a couple of kits and set out to make the eggs pretty. Here is Haley making her fake smile face:

Abigail has a real smile, but I think that she doesn't remember ever doing this before. We are not really good about dying eggs every year. Sometimes we forget, and sometimes the kids won't let me forget, like this year.

A plethora of colors:

It really is a fun tradition to do the eggs with the kids. With the boys getting older and not wanting to do so many fun holiday activities I am afraid that the girls, and especially Abigail who doesn't really remember doing much before this year, will miss out on all of the fun things that can be done during the different holidays. Hopefully I will get better at remembering to do the cookies, and eggs, and wreaths and other fun things.

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