Sunday, August 28, 2011

Camping In Less Than 15 Hours

Right after we got the new Jeep in July, Lewis and I decided to throw some stuff in the car and take the kids camping for the night. I brought dinner and some snacks but we decided that we would pack up early and come back so Lewis could make it to work in the morning. We left at 4 to go to Heber and then we collected firewood.

We brought Mojito with us. He did not have a good time. He laid in my lap and shook the whole time. The bugs, the fire, everything made him scared. The only part that he liked was getting to eat a hot dog for dinner.
Here are the girls chilling out in the Jeep while Lewis and I set up the camp.

Lewis brought his gun, for protection from the bears and whatnot. So I got to shoot it. I LOVED it! Shooting is way more fun then I ever thought it would be. And I was pretty good at it.

Notice the shot up can of Pringles. Jason kept it for a souvenir. :)

Overall we all had a great time. Adam was not with us, he was at scout camp. Next time we will take everyone. We left at 7am after Abigail and I froze all night. Lewis even made it to work Friday morning.

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