Thursday, May 8, 2008


A little background first. Lewis used to travel a lot for work. He would be gone for 5 days and then home for 2 and then gone again sometimes. At the time I started with 1 child, had another and then another. So the whole time he was gone traveling I was home with small children. My sister, Angel, would come over and stay the night and "help". Mostly she just kept me company. Every night we would watch Law and Order. We would watch until like 2 or 3 in the morning and then she would have to get up and go to school. She was still in high school. We got bored a lot and dressed up. Here we are on one particular boring night. We were getting all done up for a fun 80's themed night and went overboard. Well, maybe not. I remember lots of girls looking just like this in the 80's. Angel missed the 80's, she is too young to remember.

This was right after I had Haley. She was maybe a couple of weeks old. The funny thing is this night I think Lewis was actually home. Awkward.

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