Sunday, April 13, 2008


We took the kids to Fudruckers for lunch. I am not making dinner either. Our house is sitting at a stifling 80 degrees and climbing. The back of our house has western exposure and so the sun shines in the windows of the master bedroom and kitchen/dining room all day long. I know it is nice out and it is sunny, and I have been begging for nice weather but can the air conditioner kick on please? No, it won't. I need to call George and have the system looked at. All of the neighbors have had to get theirs replaced last year or the year before, and they all had the same unit that we have. Hopefully we do not need a new one.

Jason actually let me take his picture, and just as I did Lewis says, "Jason! I saw your soul go strait into the camera!" Nice. Thanks Lewis.



Lewis got a desert that looked really good. A German chocolate brownie. Yum. But...I had a bite and it was NASTY!!!! He liked it but I was less then thrilled. Next time either I get my own dessert, or I get none. The brownie part was hard, and the coconut and chocolate almost had no flavor at all.

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