Monday, February 11, 2008


Abigail Brooke Frampton
07.29.04; 11 weeks & 6 days early
Provo, Utah
3 days of pain before C-Section; 1 month at hospital
3lbs; 12inches

Abigail is my baby. She is my last. I wanted another girl, and I knew we would have one. Abigail is my tiny love. She is a doll. She is my doll. Abigail is strong. She is stronger then most of us. Abigail is sweet. Abigail is loving. She doesn't know anything else. She copies everything she hears. She listens and remembers. She asks, "Are you happy with me?" She worries about everyone around her. She wants to be included. Abigail is funny. Abigail is crazy. Abi loves to play dress up and tea party. She has babies and dolls around her all of the time. She is a little mommy. When she says I love you, she really means it. She is demanding and needy. She loves to eat. She eats as much as I do. Abigail is still tiny. Abigail was named 20 minutes before birth, while I was drugged. It was the only name Lewis and I could agree on before I went into the hospital. Abi is kind. She is fun. She questions everything around her. She wants to learn and understand everything. She is friendly. She is cute. Abigail has helped me grow and accept that things can't be perfect all of the time. Abigail is a hand full. Abi is my baby. She always will be.
I love you Abigail.

1 comment:

The Queen Bee said...

Great posts about your kids. Soo sweet. Your life is definitely not boring. Anyone with kids nows life is busy and not boring. And I don't even work!