Thursday, October 4, 2007

First Sickness of the Season and More

I was at work yesterday meeting with one of our food suppliers and I started to feel congested. Now this usually happens when I am meeting with this particular person because he wears an abnormal amount of cologne. I mean not just a is like he takes a bath in it right before he gets to my office. It usually stuffs up my nose and makes me sneeze. So anyway I did not think anything of it until I left to get the girls from the babysitter. I was sneezing and my throat started to feel dry. Oh no. Right? I am going to have a sinus infection in a matter of days. This happens to me every fall here in Utah. Last year I got 4 of them. My doctors told me it is because of the inversion.
I totally believe this because when I go to Park City I feel great. I clear up completely, once I am out of the valley. When Lewis and I went to Las Vegas for work last October I had a sinus infection. After 12 hours there I was feeling like a new person. No congestion, no cough and my voice returned... that is until I went home to the dust bowl where we live.
I am looking out of my window right now over the Salt Lake Valley and it is so disgusting what I see. Even with the wind blowing there is a layer of gray, brown smog. No wonder I get sick in October every year. The worst part is they told me there is no way to avoid it unless we move. Great. I am not ready to move.

So on to something more exciting. Tomorrow is Haley's 5Th birthday!!! She is so excited to be a big girl. She informed me today that she no longer wants a night light. She is too big. Well, we will see how long that lasts. The boys gave up their night lights, and then wanted to buy lava lamps to have on at night because "they look cool". So I wonder how long it will be until Haley wants a "cool" lamp in her room too. Probably 2 nights. For her birthday she wants to go to Sweet And Sassy. It is a little girls spa type place. The do your hair, paint your nails and then you get to dress up and walk the cat walk. It is very fun, and very expensive. So as a compromise we are going to have a family party and then she gets to choose 1 friend to take with her to Sweet And Sassy. They will go next week. I will have to post pictures of them after they go.

Ok thats it for now. I need to take some medicine.

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